Alternative Investments — My Top Three Platforms For 2021

Kieran Glover
4 min readMar 13, 2021

Investing doesn’t always have to be traditional. Especially in our internet driven world. At our fingertips we have many alternative ways to invest our excess capital and I wanted to list down three lesser-known platforms and/or ideas in this post that I’ve come across to get some much needed diversification in our lives and finances.

Masterworks — Purchase Shares in Fine Art

The online members only platform allows for serious investors to diversify their assets by investing in shares of fine art. After the onboarding process that includes an interview, you will get access to the latest offerings much like other crowdfunding type platforms. There’s also the secondary market (currently US only), which allows you to purchase other investors shares in different pieces.

Some key advantages of Masterworks are that the barriers to entry to the art market are greatly reduced, as it’s far cheaper than buying whole artworks and also a lot easier than traditional art investing.

Another great advantage that I just touched upon is the secondary market, which allows for more liquidity that wouldn’t be possible otherwise.



Kieran Glover

Husband/Dad. Independent consultant streamlining operations for leading companies through AI, technology and automation. 👉