Make your bed and three other small habits that have changed my life

Kieran Glover
4 min readMay 14, 2021

As some of you might have read in my most recent article, I’ve just wrapped up a lockdown “Monk Mode”.

During that monk mode I adopted a bunch of new habits to try and 1) build a stronger routine to make the lockdown more manageable and 2) as I’ve always been interested in biohacking, I always love to try and tweak my existing daily protocols to find more optimal modes of existance.

So, as a few weeks have now passed since this lockdown a few habits have emerged and made there way into my daily protocols for good, so I thought I would list down some lesser known habits that have considerably changed my life.

Make your bed

The viral speech and book by William H. McRaven, an ex-Navy SEAL posits that this small habit of making your bed each morning as soon as you wake up, allows you to achieve something from the get-go, making you feel more productive.

This is also the perfect encapsulation of what this post is all about. stacking up small “wins” to create…



Kieran Glover

Husband/Dad. Independent consultant streamlining operations for leading companies through AI, technology and automation. 👉